Featured Artist of
January 7, 2025
the EP: "Hear No
Hear No Evil 5 Song EP Out Now Jan 6, 2025
Now based in Malahide Ireland
It's hard to imagine how we got here, but we are here.
1 No Goodbyes
2. Dropping Like Flies
3. Hear No Evil
4. When It Rains
5. Carolina Sky Tonight
Featured Artist of
25, 2024
the song: "The
Demo Version sent by Bob Boyle
Featured Artist of:
Wednesday, 24th of January 2024
With the Album: Before The Sun
Artist's Biography
AirCrash Detectives is an indie band from Raleigh, North Carolina, that has
been making music since 2013.
They have released seven studio albums, the latest one being Before The Sun
Rises, which came out in September 20232.
The album features 10 songs, including the first single Cocaine Baby, which
features Josh Merryman and Steve Nieve2.
The album is upbeat and fun, and explores themes such as war, school
shootings, love, and fashion2.
You can listen all the songs here at Lonely Oak Radio.
Featured Artist of:
Sep 29, 2023
With the song: Cocaine
Artist's Biography
Approaching our 10 year anniversary, hard to believe, 4 piece of of Raleigh
NC with occasional special guests.
About the Song
September 2023 First single Cocaine Baby from the new upcoming album Before
The Sun Rises, Out Now! Featuring Josh Merryman and Steve Nieve. Upbeat and
Fun. Ready for anything! Let's go !
Artist of
April 21, 2023
with the
Monsters From Moscow
Artist's Biography
Monsters from Moscow will be AirCrash Detectives 7th studio release, as we
finish up mixing and mastering it is time to reflect on the journey and the
making of this record. AirCrash Detectives turns 10 years old this year and
with a low social media following, few downloads and what most people would
consider unpopular, I have been asked recently why keep it going. Several
reasons really. Mostly because I enjoy writing songs, I enjoy the people who
help create some great sounds and there are a few fleeting moments when the
hair on your skin stands up because it is just that good.
About the Album
Monsters From Moscow
Many thanks to
Bob Boyle / Vocals + Words + Melody
Henry Gorman / Music + Guitars
Chad Lister / Music + Bass + Guitars + Backing Vocals
Bill Egan / Drums
Jeremy Harper / Bass
Keenan McKenzie / Saxophone
Paul Rogers / Trumpet
Jay Wright / Piano
Theresa Watson / Backing Vocals
Dick Hodgin / Recording + Mixing + Mastering
1. What’s It To You
2. The Quiet Ones
3. Wank Bank
4. The Best Of Me
5. Painting Bridges
6. She Waits By The Window
7. Salt and Pepper
8. Fashionista
9. One Flick Of The Switch
10. Good Curling
What’s It To You
War is a terrible thing, yet it keeps happening to many innocent people. The
people of Russia need to
rise and stop the madness. I realize they have a monster in the Kremlin, but
the scenes of devastation
should make us all focus on freedom and appreciate its true value, not just
for ourselves but for
everyone. That requires sacrifice and I am not sure we are selfless enough
to bring an end to this
senseless war. These are just words. I hope the folks in the trenches get to
hear this and feel some
comfort they are not abandoned. They should take heart that after 1945 the
world became a better
place for many, hopefully the same will be true in 2025.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Trumpet Paul Rogers
Backing Vocals Chad Lister / Henry Gorman
Vocals Bob Boyle
The Quiet Ones
School shootings have become so commonplace in America its tragic and
frightening all at the same
time. We appear unable as a society to correlate the abundance of guns with
gun violence. The guys
back in the 1770’s would have been unable to foresee the automation and
power being brought to the
streets and neighborhoods of America. Prayers don’t work, background checks
don’t work and blaming
it all on people with mental health problems is comical. No one wants to
take the gun away, but if you
can’t protect the people who are not allowed to have them, that would be the
children, then I think they
should be removed until a workable and safe solution can be found. As matter
of fact there have been
no shootings on airplanes over the same period.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Backing Vocals Chad Lister
Doomsday Bell Dick Hodgin
Vocals Bob Boyle
Wank Bank
I first heard the phrase back in the early 2000’s in London and later saw it
in the Urban Dictionary. It still
makes me laugh. A very British phrase and kind of naughty. I began to craft
an idea loosely based on
Paul Simon’s ’50 Ways To Leave Your Lover’ I used a mixture of fact and
fiction and some poetic
license to create a fantasy worthy of the phrase. That’s the official
version. It was unofficially created
for Tik Tok because one my children challenged me to become more popular
than them on Tik Tok. I
think with your help this might do it.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman / Chad Lister
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Chad Lister
Trumpet Paul Rogers
Backing Vocals Theresa Watson
Vocals Bob Boyle
The Best Of Me
David Crosby died after a remarkable and somewhat tragic life, loved and
despised in equal measures
by those who knew him. His music and those who he made it with gave
unbelievable joy to millions
who listen to it, joined in community at concerts and festivals. Was it the
drugs and the alcohol or a
misguided childhood? Those possess this level of creativity often have
unsavory personalities, I
genuinely believe he tried to make amends later in life but as is often the
case too little too late.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Piano Jay Wright
Backing Vocals Chad Lister
Vocals Bob Boyle
Painting Bridges
On a recent trip to Edinburgh, Scotland, I was fortunate enough to have
fabulous weather and the view
across the Firth Of Forth was spectacular. I was admiring the Forth Bridge
and began to enquire how it
kept its red color turns out it’s a special paint mix to match the
oxidization from the original bridge.
Painting the bridge would take between 3 and 5 years. Due to modern
techniques the last coat of paint
will last for 20 years. I was in a wee pub off of the Royal Mile and I told
the storyteller to embellish
away, its only going to end up in a song, he kept comparing painting the
bridge to marriage and
romance and claimed to ‘have a thing of beauty in the house’ ‘You better
look after them’ he would
excitedly proclaim ‘ Otherwise they will start looking like the bit that’s
not painted yet’ It was hard to
argue with his logic.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar [ Hero ] Henry Gorman
Backing Vocals Chad Lister
Vocals Bob Boyle
She Waits By The Window
U2 celebrated 40 odd years in the music business. I remember as a young lad
hearing 11 O’Clock Tick
Tock and going to see them shortly afterwards and thinking there is
something there. You just kind of
knew who had it and who didn’t. There were a multitude of bands back then
who had it and they toured
constantly to cement their place in history. I always wondered how spouses
of touring musicians
coped with the business, the waiting and the highs and lows of a good or bad
performance. Were they
empathetic or dismissive? Only she knows.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Vocals Bob Boyle
Salt and Pepper
I can still smell the aftershave and perfume my parents put on, right before
they went out on a date. The
babysitter always had something cute to say. There would be drinking and
dancing involved usually into
the wee hours. Some Irish, some disco and waltzing for sure. It always
amazed me how well they both
cleaned up from their manual jobs. Getting the ‘hair done’ was a must and
sharp creases in the pants
and shirt sleeves also a must, Suit and tie, heels and dresses, wallets and
handbags. A couple of drinks
from the fridge, with a couple of ice cubes, they were ready to roll, they
kissed the kids goodnight, Hello
New York.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Saxophone Keenan McKenzie
Backing Vocals Theresa Watson
Vocals Bob Boyle
The ultimate fantasy, one walk across the catwalk and it’s hard to imagine
how you would not fall in
love with 100’s of models all at the very same time. There is a lot to be
said about hair, clothes and
make-up, that are provocative and excite the senses. Went for a Roxy Music
kind of feel, I can see
Bryan Ferry stepping out from the shadows and showing us all up. Sometimes
it’s fun to dress up and
feel different just for the hell of it.
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Saxophone Keenan McKenzie
Backing Vocals Theresa Watson
Vocals Bob Boyle
One Flick of the Switch
Mental health has finally got the attention is deserves. One Flick of the
Switch was originally written
about the brilliant to watch horse Shergar and how quickly greatness was
extinguished. As the song
developed it became apparent it was about the everyday greatness in every
one of us. We all make
choices some of them reasonable and rational and some life changing. Some
you can’t take back
choices. If you are having difficulty please contact 988 or talk to a
friend. Be aware of yourself and your
Words Bob Boyle / Music Henry Gorman
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Henry Gorman
Backing Vocals Chad Lister
Vocals Bob Boyle
Good Curling
The rise in popularity of curling is amazing, from humble beginnings, the
game is still shrouded in
scientific mystery. Trust the Scots to come up with an unstable on your feet
drinking game, that the
players would spend a lifetime trying to figure out. Having recently joined
a curling league, I noticed the
participants to be so nice until the last few ends of a game. You could see
they wanted to win, more
than anything. They turned from the world’s nicest people to born killers
and then back again in the
blink of an eye. Good Curling is a lighthearted, look at the intense world
of curling. No offense is
Words Bob Boyle / Music Chad Lister
Drums Bill Egan
Bass Chad Lister
Guitar Chad Lister
Backing Vocals Chad Lister
Vocals Bob Boyle
Monsters From Moscow
Many thanks to
Bob Boyle / Vocals + Words + Melody
Henry Gorman / Music + Guitars
Chad Lister / Music + Bass + Guitars + Backing Vocals
Bill Egan / Drums
Jeremy Harper / Bass
Keenan McKenzie / Saxophone
Paul Rogers / Trumpet
Jay Wright / Piano
Theresa Watson / Backing Vocals
Dick Hodgin / Recording + Mixing + Mastering
Full Album show of
April 29, 2022
Broken Robots
Artist's Biography
Approaching our 10 year anniversary, hard to believe, 4 piece of of Raleigh
NC with occasional special guests
About the Album
Broken Robots is a social commentary on how we got into this mess and how to
get out of it!
Featured Artist
March 29, 2022
Song: Castles Made Of Sand
Artist's Biography
Approaching our 10 year anniversary, hard to believe, 4 piece of of Raleigh
NC with occasional special guests
About the Album
Broken Robots is a social commentary on how we got into this mess and how to
get out of it!
Full Album show
of January 29, 2021
Album: Wait What
Artist's Biography
Raleigh based indie 4 piece with a lot of guest players. We like to mix it
up and oh we are nice people too!
About the Album
Introducing Keenan McKenzie on sax, Alex Fioto on trumpet, Chad Barger on
Hammond, Wait What is the antidote for a pandemic, get your dancing shoes
on, you may have to dance alone, undecided if you should dance naked, it's
time to move!
Full Album show
of May 8, 2020
with the Album:
Station Wagon
A breath of fresh air for the summer of 2020, I think we all
need it,
road trip anyone?
Full Album show of
Jan 11, 2020
in 2013 AirCrash Detectives are Raleigh based 4-piece indie band.
The band’s energetic live set has been well received in recent years and
they are looking forward to a great 2020. Comparisons have been made to a
mixture of The Clash, Rascal Flats and Cold Play.
Steve Nieve from Elvis Costello and The Imposters has been a frequent guest
on the studio albums and he has been known to show up for the odd live show.
Album's Genre Indie / Country
About the Album: An eclectic mix of styles reflecting the crazy times we
live in. Pull up a chair.
Album's Title: 1%
1. Another Georgia Peach 04:30
2. Talk To Strangers 03:18
3. Genetically Modified 03:35
4. Vertical 03:49
5. Secrets Of The Mississippi
6. Barking Mad 04:10
7. What You Got
Full Album show of
June 1, 2019
guest Steve Nieve
1. Never Been So Happy (04:49)
2. The Simple Truths (03:26)
3. Yo Yo (04:16)
4. You Get Out What You Put In (04:05)
5. No Tears For The Clown (04:41)
Featured Artist of
October 30, 2018
the song: Be The One
AirCrash Detectives Bio (10 Jan 2018)
Formed in 2013 AirCrash Detectives are Raleigh based 4-piece indie band. They
are currently working on their 5th Studio Album, ‘Songs From A Retired Ventriloquist’s
Dummy’ scheduled for release 04.01.2019.
The new single ‘Be The One’ will be available 11.01.2018
The band’s energetic live set has been well received in recent years and they
are looking forward to an interesting 2019. Comparisons have been made to a
mixture of The Clash, Rascal Flats and Cold Play.
Steve Nieve from Elvis Costello and The Imposters has been a frequent guest
on the studio albums and he has been known to show up for the odd live show.
The band’s lead singer Bob Boyle is also scheduled to publish his first book
The Last Spaceship to Heaven in January 2019 based on the song The Last Spaceship
To Heaven which usually closes the show.
Full Album show of
August 3, 2018
Thar She Blows EP (2018)
Thar She Blows (03:04)
Fly On The Wall (04:21)
Zeros and Ones (03:22)
Half the Man I Used To Be (05:00)
New Songs on the Empty Graves EP as we develop our sound. Following up on Walking
The Plank ACD release their 5th studio effort. Exciting times and live shows
coming in January. Stay tuned and let us know what you think, tracks out now
spotify, itunes and tasteful digital sights.
The eagerly awaited third album ‘”Thoughts From The Drunken Vaults” by AirCrash
Detectives launched in 2016, followed by their 2017 album “Walking the Plank.”
Following on from their first and second albums ‘Looking For A Safe Place to
Land’ in 2014 and ‘Shock Therapy’ 2015 singer and writer Bob Boyle has finally
found his groove playing alongside guitarist and band leader and co-producer
Chad Lister.
After a stunning live debut in August 2015 the band have developed and honed
their showmanship and are now ready for prime time. If you think about all your
favorite parts of an indie, country and rock band, they have been seamlessly
meshed together, into a thoroughly entertaining and provocative live show.
Hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina AirCrash Detectives had a chance meeting
with producer and engineer Dick Hodgin in 2014 and alongside Chad Lister they
have developed the sound that is now instantly recognizable. The new single
5 Giants is receiving rave reviews and looks certain to make the band a household
name. ‘Thoughts From The Drunken Vaults’ is as close to delightful body of work
as you can get claims lead singer Bob Boyle.
After hearing the final cuts, he was enthused at the depth and variety of thought
provoking topics that were explored, along with the overall quality of the songs
and musicianship displayed by Lister, Egan, Barger and special guest Steve Nieve.
The texture and layers will surely delight the most critical listener! The under
effected production lets the songs breathe with ease.
He reminds us to enjoy the journey as most of us never get to where we are going.
Thar She Blows EP (2018)
Recorded live in Raleigh NC in the spring of 2018. We have captured the energy
of the band and it is reflected in this batch of songs. We are gaining on it.
We love the diversity of the music and the edgy themes that color the landscape.
We hope you continue to enjoy our efforts.
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