Pamela Ruby Russell

Featured Artist of December 10, 2020
with the song: Walk Thru Fire

Artist's Biography

PAMELA RUBY RUSSELL - Photographer Songwriter Writer An award winning artist, Pamela is all about finding joy. Ms. Ruby's recorded music has been aired across the globe and her live performances with both her various bands and duos have brought accolades and praise from her many and varied audiences.
She's worked with vocal coach Mark Baxter for a number of years, as well as studying piano, writing and acting. Pianist Keith Jarrett personally invited Pamela to his seminar 'On Spontaneity.' Honing her music skills nurtured her other big love, the camera. Her first mentor was the respected NYC photographer Myron Ehrenberg. The seeds of an artist grew as she sought honesty and truth in the creation of her art. Board President of her local town TV station, former Vice Chair of a local Dems Comm., years ago Pamela organized her school's first anti-Vietnam protest and exhibited her 'As The River Flows So Flows the Man,' a photo exposé of paper mills and other polluters. for which she traveled the Hudson River's entire coastline from NY to NJ's Palisades and back up into NY. She also acted in two challenging plays, 'Chamber Music' as Pearl White, by Arthur Kopit, and Giraudoux's 'The Madwoman of Chaillot,' as a Paris streetwalker, and at present is in a full feature folk horror film, 'Seeds.' Such auspicious beginnings for a wild woman with the makings of her own film up her sleeves!
Riding an elephant in a Mexican circus was but one of her adventures. On a magic midnight she sang atop the Temple of Quetzalcóatl at the Sun Pyramid in Teotihuacán, Mexico. Come dawn hundreds of encamped people awaiting their Mayan high holy day honored her for purifying the sacred site with her voice. Listen to her 'Avenue of Tears.' Reading Tarot cards in a Mexican cafe she learned enough Spanish to write 'Tengo Razon.' In the 70's she co-owned a small Provincetown, Cape Cod, MA restaurant, 'Vital Vittles' and still loves cooking. While traveling, connecting with old and new friends, she always has a camera with her, as well as a notebook to jot down potential lyrics. Her portraits, fine art landscapes and songs bring joy to her clients and audiences alike.
"We're not strangers. Creating art that heals, that's my work. Life's short. We're not always dealt easy hands. It's the playing of tough cards with forgiveness and wisdom, that's what moves us through time in profound, useful ways. What I've learned I share! That's how I live!" Pamela's dedicates her energy to these principles. Thank you.
Check out:  for a little journey into Pamela Land!
TWITTER: @WhiteLightArts, INSTAGRAM: WhiteLightArts Ms. Ruby's recent song 'SPACE AND TIME' with Mario Gil: iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, etc. 'HIGHWAY OF DREAMS' 10 song downloadable album co-produced by guitarist Peter Calo (Guitarist - Carly Simon, James Taylor): iTunes, etc.
The new BOSTON ROCK ANTHOLOGY Vol. #21 features 2 of Pamela's songs, 'SPACE AND TIME' and 'WALK TRHU FIRE,' both remastered by Rob Fraboni.
Also see: THE WOMEN WHO ROCKED BOSTON documentary - []  - for a quick early performance peek of Ms. Ruby. For Ms. Russell's museum quality, archival, fine art prints:, or contact her through Facebook. Thanks.

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